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Originally, BKOME was a one-to-one counseling program I developed to help mainly either very successful professionals over 40 years of age or young adults ready to enter their professional lives.


The former felt the threat of losing value in their professional lives due to age while the latter were uncertain about the new challenges to come and not having what the professional world would demand from them, or they just couldn’t find out what their true value for the employment market was at a such early stage in life.


Later, people feeling unsettled for some obscure reasons also reached out. Their issues have to do with life balance, and some mental and physical work did the trick.


The common ground in these three groups of people was their narratives about their own realities. How they imagined and told their own story. When they came to me, the story was negative or unclear. My contribution was to help them change that narrative so that they can be on their way with positive energy.


Every person is different, and yet, every human being responds more or less in the same way to certain stimuli. Doing physical exercises or practicing sports is one of those stimuli that do good to us. Hence, an important part of my counseling was to advise people to do so. I have practice sports all my life, and that surely contributes to my overall happiness and self-confidence.


That is how the physical part of it entered BKOME. Doing exercise was an integral part of the counseling program, but it is not just doing any type of exercise. The same as the mind, I wanted to help people get fit from the inside out and so, the group of physical moves developed for BKOME serves that purpose.


But physical fitness is not enough. The world is full of physically strong individuals who, being emotionally or mentally unbalanced, are rather dangerous for themselves and for society at large. So, it was crucial to include something for the mind, which after all, is the spark of our actions.


As the intention of BKOME is to help people to reshape the narrative of their lives, present and future, the mental part of the program took shape. This is the most important part of BKOME – the training of the mind.


As my boxing coach in my teenage once told me "rest is the most important part of the training". With that in mind, every BKOME session ends with NLP meditation, which I developed by mixing meditation techniques with NLP, here is when you change your mindset and strengthen your willpower. 


Together, these elements stimulate the release of positive hormones. This creates a snowball effect of positive energy that revitalizes us and gets us fit because our body, mind, and soul are fit.


In that process, and because of its integrated nature, BKOME turned into a methodology suitable for everybody regardless of age, gender, or current physical condition. Literarily, everybody can benefit from this program because it is an integrated system including body and mind fitness, which in turn feeds our soul.


Some people can use BKOME to get fit for the uncertain future, others to get back on the road feeling strong once again, some others can use it to develop capacities they didn’t have before, and those who have lost some physical capabilities due to accidents or diseases may benefit to overcome the trauma and develop those capacities somewhere else in their bodies. And all us can use it to keep our bodies, minds, and souls healthy.


Think of BKOME as part of your lifestyle necessary to prevent health problems, a break to get rid of the daily stress, or the treatment to get you back on your feet and continue your journey to becoming your ideal self with new energy.



The Leap

© 2017 by Dr. Miguel Cerna BKOME      Read our Liability Waiver English or Portuguese

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