We don't know or have it all. That is why we develop partnerships with like-minded people and organizations in different areas of expertise that passionately believe in, and take action to, creating a better world by helping people to develop their full potential.

Our Founder's organization dealing with international conflict resolution. It was thanks to these doings that funding the start of BKOME was possible.

Clinical psychologist and sports enthusiast Yancy Garay. She is in charge of counseling for the Spanish-speaking community, and she's responsible for running and analyzing some of the psychological tests we offer our members.
Verve make sure that our communication is globally intelligible. The founder, Raquel Sousa, is also a sports enthusiast who understands and promotes both physical and mental health for having a more productive professional life. www.vervetranslations.com

At the start of BKOME, Black Belt Saulo Melo became our greatest supporter. BKOME came to light inside the walls of BUSHIDO, one of the most dynamics jiu-jitsu academies in Shanghai, China. Contact.