Welcome to the first day
of your brighter future¡
BKOME is a PT integrative methodology to get your Mind&Body functional, healthier, stronger, more flexible, tougher and ready to excel in anything you want to achieve in life.
It is supported by neuroscience, psychology, multiple sports practice, and behavioral science.
Personal training
The holy trilogies:
posture, Mobility, Flexibility.
Strength, speed, resistance, bodybuilding.
Coordination, balance, speed.
Body & Mind for all
Functional training
9 years of age to 100+
Couples fitness
Grow wiser and stronger together
Expecting couples
Live your pregnancy in total health
SIXTY plus
You deserve to be an active part
of the world you've created.
Monday to Friday
Trauman & Emotions.
Deal with them.
Your mental health must be your priority.
If you are having difficulty dealing with harship from the past, BKOME will get give you the tools you need to move forward. READ MORE
Rehab exercise & Posture correction
Everything starts with posture
Rehab for displaced persons
Live your pregnancy in total health
English – Português – Español – ä¸æ–‡
Group programs will start soon
We are currently evaluating venues for our catalyst center in Europe. Membership options and Schedules coming up soon.



Contact us to learn about our programs for personal training, sports performance, couples, and family.

Dr. Miguel Cerna
Behavioral Scientist
EU Certified Personal Trainer
Te doy
la bienvenida
a tu futuro
Me alegra que te unas a nuestra comunidad de vencedores. El día que inicies tu proceso, tu vida comenzará a cambiar para bién y para siempre. BKOME es un programa para todos. Estamos aquí para hacernos campeones de nuestras vidas.
Para darte una ligera idea de lo bueno que te espera, permíteme comentarte que todos nuestros programas están diseñados para logar una armonía perfecta entre cuerpo, mente y alma.
Como nace BKOME...
to the first day of
your future
I'm glad to see you as part of our community of winners. The day you start this process, your life will begin to change for the better and for good. BKOME is a program for everyone.
We are here to become champions of our lives. To give you a slight idea of ​​the good that awaits you, let me tell you that all our programs are designed to achieve perfect harmony between body, mind, and soul.
BKOME was born ...