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The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life

BKOME is a holistic Body, Mind, and Soul fitness program suitable for everybody regardless of age, gender, or current physical condition. 

Through physical exercise (dynamic and isometric) as a catalyst, and behavioral science as core, you will develop the capacity to overcome the mental challenges that prevent you from bkoming your ideal self. With us, you will master the Trilogy of Personal Success: Mind Strength, Physical Power, and Skills Set, which equals to three-dimensional balance.

Along the path, we will engage in:

1) Physical exercise (a combination of dynamic, isometric and fascia training) to activate cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscles, You will also lubricate your joints, improve your coordination and reaction ability, boost your brain's intake of oxygen, keep you whole bady connected, and more.

2) Mental challenges to get you tougher and a high performer. The mind, that intangible something, is the key to bkoming your ideal self.

3) NLP meditation. Take this as daily doses of nutrients for your mind. Here is where you make sure to set a path of life that is entirely yours.
BKOME is a careful integration of

Most recent research in neuroscience explains that physical exercise benefits the brain by sending more oxygen to if, fostering more neuro-activity, generating more neuro-connection and neuro-fertilizers, and enhancing intelligence levels. By the way, you need healthy neurons to be able to move.

Cognitive-behavioral psychology and Behavioral Science
By entering bkome, how you perceive yourself will change into a more positive picture, simply because you will become a more positive person, and hence you'll experience behavioral changes that will have a positive effect on yourself and those around you, making your personal, social and professional life better.

Sports psychology
These fields of knowledge are core to helping you perform at your best in sports and competition. Along with the training program you will get a solid understanding of the emotional states you go through when doing sports or preparing for a competition.

Kinesiology and biomechanics
Every move in BKOME has taken under consideration the mechanics and pathomechanics of human movement to ensure safety and maximum benefit from the training programs. 

Fighting sports (boxing and Jiu-Jitsu)
When you practice fighting sports, you learn a skill that makes you feel safer and hence more self-confident. Such confidence is reflected in your relationship with others in the way to talk, in your posture, in how you express your points of view.
Because you feel more confident, others feel good and safe being around you. Fighting sports also makes you humble because you accept that sometimes you punch, and sometimes you take a punch on the face; sometimes you are in a controlling position and sometimes you are in a situation when you need to surrender. That also contributes to your respect for others' potential, and your understanding that life is made of ups and downs. When you are up, you feel great, and you are down, you don't feel bad because you learn to take that weak position as an opportunity to get up.

Hatha stretching
These are simplified, yet effective, routines from Hatha yoga. Stretching and facilitates lubrication of the joint, flexibility, and opening your energy channels allowing you to function well in every sense.

NLP and Meditation
Key to help you develop the correct mindset that will finally bring you to building your ideal self. These two parts of the training come together.
here are many health benefits from meditation starting with the simplest act of breathing you ensure having a peaceful mind, being aware of yourself and your surrounding, and developing a soul that irradiates positive energy. NLP helps in changing your own story and hence bkoming your ideal self.

Taichi is meditation in motion. It is a rhythm that enhances your memory capacity, keeps your joints lubricate and your muscles tight, and keeps you physically and mentally strong and alert.

It is an ancient Chinese practice focused on energy accumulation that is ready to be used when needed.

We are what we eat, that goes with physical and mental food, so you will receive advice in this regard.

You will not only develop your physical and mental strengths but also acquire knowledge about the components supporting those strengths.


Simply put, no other fitness program in the world offers the perfect Mind-Body-Soul balance.
This is a carefully crafted recipe that leads you to meet your Ideal Self.



Mind, Body & Soul in perfect harmony

Mente, Cuerpo & Alma en perfecta harmonía

Suitable for everybody.

Propio para para todos.

Flexible Schedule

Horarios flexibles

Personal Guidance

Guía personalizado

Advanced Techniques

​Técnicas avanzadas

Proven Results

Resultados medibles

Multidisciplinary program

Programa multidisciplinario

Image by Chang Duong


© 2017 by Dr. Miguel Cerna BKOME      Read our Liability Waiver English or Portuguese

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