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Struggling with trauma or emotional distress? Let's deal with them.

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Highly personalized training programs.
English, Español, 中文, or Português.
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Fitness Group

BKOME for all

Group class (5 people)
Wednesdays and Fridays
08:30 - 09:30
19:00 - 20:00
104€/month (IVA incluido)

Here, together with your training partners, you will develop the mind and body needed to reach, literarily, any goal you set for yourself.

Learn more

Let us know you are interested in knowing BKOME FOR ALL)


 Whatsapp (351) 913 035 769

Personal training
Develop your own power from inside out.
60 min session
2 x week, 280 € /month
3 x week 360 € /month
(IVA incluido)

(move faster and save 22%)
Stretching Together
Couples Fitness
Nothing could be more fulfilling as a couple than achieving together.
60 min session
2 x week, 320 €/month
3 x week,  480 €/month
(IVA incluido)

(move faster and save 35%)
Group Seflie
Boxing Fitness
Perfect shape, agility, coordination, cardio, speed, strength...
90 min session
2 x week 310 € /month
3 x week 380 € /month
(IVA incluido)

(move faster and save 20%)
Expecting couples
e post-parto
Expecting Couple

The most exciting moment in the life of a couple.


2 x week / 50 min.

380 € (IVA incluido)


The partner as a support and training buddy.


Posture  correction
(Rehab PT)
Pilates Instructor
  • Single session for posture evaluation: 90 minutes 80 (IVA incluido)

  • Posture correction program: 8 x 40 min sessions, 580 € / month (IVA  e evaluation de postura incluodos)


Posture evaluation is free when registering for 3 months in any training program.


Elizen Wellness Center, Praia de Salgeiros. Avenida Beira Mar 1657, Vila Nova de Gaia.

Sixty plus
Upper body photoshoot
SUP Yoga Meditation Om

You deserve to be an active part of the world you've helped to create.


Friday11 am to 2 pm

8 x 30 min session. 220 €/month (IVA incluido)

Posture evaluation included.




Welcome to the first day
of your better future

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@BKOMEfitness | whatsapp +351 913 035 769

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© 2017 by Dr. Miguel Cerna BKOME      Read our Liability Waiver English or Portuguese

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